Friday, 1 October 2021

Unit 21- Evidence for Planning and Research for a Culture Award/Campaign

Initial Ideas PowerPoint

For Unit 21, we have to plan an culture campaign and culture award promoting the city of Liverpool, for my culture award I plan to use Young Artist of the Year for the award, this could be for visual arts, performing arts, music, etc. I can details further on with more depth but the powerpoint above is simply my initial ideas for starting to plan the campaign as a whole.

Culture Campaigns Research PowerPoint

Furthering my Unit 21 work, I have done research into previous UK based Culture Campaigns and Culture Awards in order to become aware of how to structure my own. I have also done planning and development of original ideas in order to make my own award for a Culture Campaign in Liverpool.

PowToon Screenshots PowerPoint

For my pitch, I made a short visual presentation pitch for my idea and showed the video during my recorded pitch. However due to financial issues I am unable upload the video file. I have however uploaded screenshots of each important informational slide.

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