Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Unit 21- Culture Campaign/Award Proposal- Liverpool Cultural Arts Campaign and Young Visual Artist of the Year

 Unit 21- Culture Award Proposal

Young Visual Artist of the Year Award as apart of 'The Liverpool Cultural Arts Campaign'


Liverpool is a city thriving with passion and talent for the arts industry, named Cultural Capital of Europe in 2008, this city has become renowned for its care to many art forms such as film, television, music, theatre, paintings/drawing, etc. This reputation has made Liverpool an amazing place for tourism and sightseeing to witness the city were so many amazing artists came from, therefore a campaign and award to help celebrate these talents and qualities will help sustain that reputation and demonstrate how it lives on today. 

Therefore, I started with the idea of 'Artist of the Year' but then realized that that is possibly too broad and can be referring to any large number of artforms such as music, theatre, sculptures, paintings, etc. I then decided to narrow the category to purely Visual Art. This focusses the artwork to drawings, paintings, sculptures, films and theatre, as they are all  artforms appreciated through what the viewer or audience sees. 

I then decided to narrow the category even further, and specify the award base on age group. So rather than aim the award towards older people, I decided to use the demographic of Young artists, specifically under 18, as it demonstrates an excellent message that our passion and appreciation for art which won our city Capital of Culture is still carried on to the younger generation, as well as inspiring the younger generation themselves into pursuing careers in art such as drawing, acting, film-making, etc. This ensures Liverpool can both maintain its high esteemed reputation but also encourage tourists to visit simply to experience the positive, motivational atmosphere.

This event intends to draw the attention of people all across the world young and old to demonstrate the talents and artwork of the local community and to help encourage younger people to pursue creative careers and be inspired by their surroundings to excel as much as they can in whatever way they desire.

We will also make use of many different kinds of promotion including many different print posters promoting the campaign and the visual arts award, but also a short AV promotional clip about the award nominees from the Liverpool community and showing off the work they produce. This is so we can build-up excitement for the awards ceremony itself and allow the people to vote for which artist they believe should win, being able to browse galleries in the city itself or look online and watch the promotional videos to get an idea of what the artist is like and their art style.


The event will be held on the 24th November 2022 at Liverpool's World Museum, starting from 4:30pm and ending at 10:00pm. The event will move from outside the museum, to the galleries inside holding the artwork and even street performances outside the museum and around the city centre. There will also be an allocated stage nearby for performances and a projector for short films made by nominees. This stage is also where the award for Young Visual Artist of the Year is given and the winner gives their speech.

  • 4:30pm- Opening Speech from Liverpool Mayor
  • 5:00pm- Gallery open with all nominees artwork from the local community and ballot for visitors to vote for who's art they most prefer.
  • 6:00pm- Performance begins on stage- Pantomime play
  • 7:00pm- Short Films on the projector, six in total, roughly 20 minutes each
  • 8:00pm- Nominees for Young Visual Artist go up on stage and give short speeches to whole audience introducing themselves.
  • 8:30pm- Ballots gathered and counted
  • 9:00pm- winner of Young Visual Artist is declared, winner gives short speech
  • 10:00pm- Closing Speech from Liverpool Mayor 
Gallery open until 9:00pm
Food will be available from food stalls and stands whole day
Street Performances found throughout City Centre from 5:00pm to 9:00pm
Short films made by nominees for Visual Artist of the year via the medium of AV films


Stage Rental Cost- £2,800

Food Stall Rental Cost- £6,300

Projector Cost- £250

Projector Screen Cost- £200

Gallery Rental Cost- £945 (£135p/h x 7 hours)

Theatre Performers Cost- £2,000

Promotional Material and Distribution (Print and AV)- £1,500

Total- £13,995

Culture Campaigns Research PowerPoint

I have also attached my research into past cultural events and the starting ideas/inspiration for my own campaign and awards ceremony.

Friday, 1 October 2021

Unit 21- Evidence for Planning and Research for a Culture Award/Campaign

Initial Ideas PowerPoint

For Unit 21, we have to plan an culture campaign and culture award promoting the city of Liverpool, for my culture award I plan to use Young Artist of the Year for the award, this could be for visual arts, performing arts, music, etc. I can details further on with more depth but the powerpoint above is simply my initial ideas for starting to plan the campaign as a whole.

Culture Campaigns Research PowerPoint

Furthering my Unit 21 work, I have done research into previous UK based Culture Campaigns and Culture Awards in order to become aware of how to structure my own. I have also done planning and development of original ideas in order to make my own award for a Culture Campaign in Liverpool.

PowToon Screenshots PowerPoint

For my pitch, I made a short visual presentation pitch for my idea and showed the video during my recorded pitch. However due to financial issues I am unable upload the video file. I have however uploaded screenshots of each important informational slide.

P4/M3- Unit 3- All Designs AV and Print- Liverpool Cultural Arts Campaign

  Below you will find all print work that I have created as evidence for P4 and M3, all the designs I use throughout and created as a way of...