Monday, 15 March 2021

Approaches to Advertising- Unit 20

 Digital Media Unit 20- Approaches to Advertising 

Kieran Riley- 25/02/2021 


Task 1- List celebrities and the products they endorse 

  • Matt Damon- Nespresso 

  • Neil Patrick Harris- Heineken Light 

  • Justin Timberlake- McDonalds 

  • Taylor Swift- Diet Coke 

  • Britney Spears- Pepsi 

  • 50 Cent- Vitamin Water 

  • Michael Jordan- Nike 

  • Jay Z- Ace of Spades Champagne 

  • William Shatner- Priceline 

  • Drake- Sprite 

  • Shaquille O’Neil- Taco Bell 

  • Ellen DeGeneres- Samsung 

  • DJ Tiesto- 7 Up 

  • George Foreman- George Foreman Grills 


Task 2- George Clooney Nespresso Task 

1) The target audience for this product is coffee/espresso drinkers who have a rich, elegant taste and wish to enjoy the expensive luxuries of life. 

2) A good replacement to George Clooney would likely be Brad Pitt, as he is similar enough to George Clooney in that he is considered incredibly handsome and good looking, as well as being immensely wealthy. The main difference being that he is slightly younger than Clooney. 

3) An alternate approach to this advertising this product could be to make it seem less expensive in luxury and focus on pricing it reasonably and therefore making it more accessible to wider-spread, working class audiences. 

4)The beverage I choose to advertise is Red Bull and to endorse it I would pick someone like Tom Holland or Finn Wolfhard. This is due to the fact that many energy drinks such as Red Bull have a primary audience of teenagers and young adults, and so having the product endorsed by a celebrity who is also quite young and therefore more relatable is best for selling the product to the most profitable demographic 

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